Governance, Strategy | Article
1 June 2020 - FCLTGlobal hosted virtual roundtable discussions for Members to discuss how to effectively manage their organizations in the face of the global coronavirus pandemic. The current situation has accelerated the arrival and impact of many long-term trends and tested the resilience of all organizations.
Strategy | Article
26 May 2020 - This article originally appeared on “Trustee directors need risk information in order to fully govern and oversee their organization in a long-term manner. The way the information often is communicated though involves risk professionals presenting...
Strategy | Article
6 May 2020 - On 30 April, FCLTGlobal held a webinar for a peer-to-peer discussion on managing risk to support long-term value creation, specifically in light of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
Investor-Corporate Engagement, Governance | Article
30 April 2020 - Look after employees, customers, and suppliers; adopt a through-cycle mindset; and communicate transparently. Profits and dividends will come later if you make the right moves now.
Strategy, Governance | Article
21 April 2020 - Amid unforeseen circumstances, how do companies prioritize their stakeholders?
Strategy | Article
7 April 2020 - Events of the past century tell us that markets almost always recover in the long run. This does not mean that investors should ignore short-term circumstances, nor does it mean they should abandon well-crafted plans...
2 April 2020 - Babcock has led FCLTGlobal’s work on governance, innovation and engagement with a particular focus on how investment behavior can shift toward the long term via effective corporate strategy and investor communications.
2 April 2020 - While our focus is always on the long term, we must, of course, turn our attention to the needs of the moment. With this in mind, I would like to update you on what’s in...
Strategy | Article
30 March 2020 - Thinking about the long term in the midst of a global pandemic may seem counter-intuitive, or just downright impossible. Here are some top suggestions for corporate executives.
23 March 2020 - Global investors take action by reporting on long-term returns.
Incentive Alignment | Article
30 January 2020 - Ontario Teachers’ scales several long-term mandate provisions across the fund and pilots many others.
28 January 2020 - A focus on stakeholders takes top billing, with a shift toward real action on climate and metrics