Policy and Geopolitics | Article
27 January 2025 - On 21 January, FCLTGlobal convened its annual Davos CEO Roundtable for leaders from across industries to discuss how Europe has real opportunities for appreciation if policymakers can unleash its strengths.
21 January 2025 - 2024 saw rising skepticism toward future-focused initiatives, often dismissed as too costly or uncertain in the face of immediate challenges. Many organizations have pulled back from their investments in sustainability, diversity, and other long-term priorities in response to political or economic pressures. While these efforts seem inconsequential to the bottom line in the moment, the reality is that investing now for future growth is what will separate the winners over time.
Earnings Guidance | Article
17 October 2024 - For years, the corporate world was entrenched in the practice of providing quarterly earnings per share (EPS) guidance. The latest data shows it may finally be on its way out.
Mandates | Article
22 August 2024 - Asset owners – the cornerstones of the investment ecosystem – often have very long-term investment goals, such as building endowments for perpetuity and providing for the next generation. One of their challenges lies in in the fact that their assets are invested by external managers who may have vastly different time horizons and incentives in mind.
Investor-Corporate Engagement, Incentive Alignment | Article
31 July 2024 - Using the sustainability J-curve as a tool for visualizing strategies that may not pay off today, but will likely pay off over time, will promote better company-investor dialogue, which in turn will help more ideas, innovations, and long-term rewards see the light of day.
Governance | Article
15 July 2024 - On 25 June 2024, FCLTGlobal joined the International Forum of Sovereign Wealth Funds’ (IFSWF) Governance Workshop in London to lead a two-part discussion on avoiding short-term pressures and fostering a long-term investment ecosystem centered on meeting their citizens’ needs.
Climate | Article
3 July 2024 - Over the last several years, it has become clear that investing in climate-related assets in low and middle-income countries is critical to achieving successful decarbonization of the global economy. Given demographic trends and the need for energy for development, the World Bank estimates annual climate-related investment needs for all low- and middle-income countries, other than China, at $574 billion per year (2.8% of GDP) between now and 2030. There have been declarations of trillions of dollars available for climate investing and extensive discussions about public/private blended...
Stakeholder Capitalism | Article
28 June 2024 - Despite short-term costs, employee ownership has the potential to create long-term value by improving firm performance and increasing buy-in.
Governance, Incentive Alignment, Mandates | Article
22 May 2024 - On 15 May 2024, FCLTGlobal joined the Pacific Pension Institute at its “PPI in Residence” salon in New York City to lead a discussion on overcoming short-term pressures and meeting savers’ needs.
Innovation, Incentive Alignment | Article
24 April 2024 - Artificial intelligence has already changed the way data is compiled and processed on a mass scale – and in particular in the investment industry, reshaping how professionals make decisions, manage portfolios, and analyze market data. A prominent challenge facing the industry today is the design of executive pay – specifically, structuring it in ways that incentivize strong performance over many years rather than just over a few fiscal quarters.
Risk and Resilience, Stakeholder Capitalism, Policy and Geopolitics, Climate | Article
22 April 2024 - Today, private sector executives from across the globe find themselves using the same word to mean different things. “Sustainability” has become shorthand for mitigating and adapting to climate change. But for many, sustainability encompasses a much wider set of issues, certainly including climate change, but also incorporating additional trends like deglobalization, the rise of AI in business, or persistent threats of inflation or recession.
Governance | Article
15 April 2024 - There is no one-size-fits-all solution to designing corporate boards for long-term value creation. Recognizing and understanding that choices are available is the first step toward making longer-term choices and establishing next-generation board governance.