Investor-Corporate Engagement, Incentive Alignment | Article
31 July 2024 - Using the sustainability J-curve as a tool for visualizing strategies that may not pay off today, but will likely pay off over time, will promote better company-investor dialogue, which in turn will help more ideas, innovations, and long-term rewards see the light of day.
In the News
22 July 2024 - Sovereign wealth funds ensure that national wealth is preserved and utilized for the benefit of future generations, promoting sustainable economic development. Could the US benefit from a similar model?
Governance | Article
15 July 2024 - On 25 June 2024, FCLTGlobal joined the International Forum of Sovereign Wealth Funds’ (IFSWF) Governance Workshop in London to lead a two-part discussion on avoiding short-term pressures and fostering a long-term investment ecosystem centered on meeting their citizens’ needs.
Climate | Article
3 July 2024 - Over the last several years, it has become clear that investing in climate-related assets in low and middle-income countries is critical to achieving successful decarbonization of the global economy. Given demographic trends and the need for energy for development, the World Bank estimates annual climate-related investment needs for all low- and middle-income countries, other than China, at $574 billion per year (2.8% of GDP) between now and 2030. There have been declarations of trillions of dollars available for climate investing and extensive discussions about public/private blended...
Press Release
1 July 2024 - FCLTGlobal, a non-profit organization whose mission is to focus capital on the long term to support a sustainable and prosperous economy, announced today that Dr. Raphael Arndt, Chief Executive Officer of Future Fund, and Hein Schumacher, Chief Executive Officer of Unilever, will join its board of directors effective 1 July 2024.
Stakeholder Capitalism | Article
28 June 2024 - Despite short-term costs, employee ownership has the potential to create long-term value by improving firm performance and increasing buy-in.
Innovation, Climate | Podcast
24 June 2024 - "We are in the top of the first inning with AI. It's beginning to revolutionize business efficiency and operations, and the possibilities for future innovations are vast."
In the News
18 June 2024 - Policy engagement remains an often-overlooked tool for investors to stay ahead of surprises. Institutional investors have a responsibility to help governments make sound investment policy decisions for their own interest and, in many cases, for the national interest.
Governance | Toolkit
17 June 2024 - Long-term corporate boards must evolve to achieve their corporation’s future ambitions, rather than remaining anchored to the status quo.
In the News
13 June 2024 - For asset owners to stay the course of a long-term investing view, the trick is not only just getting their own investment teams behind the objective, but also making sure their board and external asset managers are aligned.
In the News
31 May 2024 - Over the last decade, global asset managers and institutional investors have been able to generate strong and stable returns from various asset classes by taking advantage of low capital costs, booming consumer markets, technological innovations, and improved regulatory and governance environments. But at a moment when geopolitical tensions are high, strategies for investors investing in the Asia-Pacific region – and in many other markets – are changing rapidly.
Governance, Incentive Alignment, Mandates | Article
22 May 2024 - On 15 May 2024, FCLTGlobal joined the Pacific Pension Institute at its “PPI in Residence” salon in New York City to lead a discussion on overcoming short-term pressures and meeting savers’ needs.